America at a Crossroad
On Tuesday, November 5, the American people will go to the polls, mark their ballots, and the future of our republic will be decided.
Because of past cheating, voter fraud and ballot stuffing, I know some Christians are very discouraged. Although it has just been in recent times that cheating has become so obvious, in reality, we have always had some of it. That’s all the more reason we need to vote. If we don’t vote, then their cheating has a better chance of succeeding.
A lot has been done and is being done right now in an attempt to protect the integrity of our votes. However, whatever happens, you and I need to make our voices heard. Otherwise, the bad guys win by our default.
So, please, go to your voting place and vote for your principles. You and I are sufficiently savvy on the issues of 2024 to figure out who is the candidate who comes closest to representing our values.
The Crossroads!
North, south, east or west—any way you look at our national and international circumstances, our nation is teetering on the brink of unprecedented catastrophe.
Spiritual, moral, financial, etc.—a crisis looms on every front, but this is not the time to run and hide. If we cower sheepishly in cowardice, the enemy among us will ride roughshod over us. And make no mistake, the enemies of America have infiltrated our society. If we fail, they will steal our freedoms and all else we hold dear.
What our forefathers purchased with their blood, sweat and tears, you and I can lose so quickly and so easily.
We cannot wait until some future tomorrow; we must give ourselves to the task today.
My Challenge!
My preacher brethren, let’s claim the power and the anointing of God, hold the Book of God close to our hearts, raise our voices to full volume and preach the truth of God without fear and without favoritism. We need prophets who will refuse to play silly games with their office and do courageously what they have been called of God to do.
In our churches, we need to reclaim the Lord’s agenda and give ourselves to the task of winning our “Jerusalem” to the Saviour. Dear church members, as your pastor steps to the pulpit and preaches the truth, undergird him with your “amens” and your full support.
In our homes, fathers and mothers need to take charge of their families and devote themselves to the details of good, godly homes.
If you are in public office, you owe it to your constituents to do right and be courageous about it. Henry Clay, the great senator from Kentucky (1777–1852), famously said, “I would rather be right than be President.” We need more public officials like him.
Individually, each one of us has a place in this world and in our country. We all have a measure of influence. We can stand even if we stand alone. Let’s do our best while we have time and opportunity to do so.
Truer words were never written.