About Dr. Shelton Smith
President + Editor of the Sword of the Lord
Dr. Smith, a native of Kentucky, was born on December 4, 1942. Saved in September 1951, he announced his call to preach on January 6, 1957 as a fourteen-year-old high school freshman. A pastor for thirty-four years, he served seventeen years at the Church of the Open Door (independent Baptist) in Westminster, Maryland.
Dr. and Mrs. (Betty) Smith were married in 1961. They have two children, Davina and Marlon, six grandchildren, Jessica, Nicole, Susanna, Caroline, Jonathan and Daniel, and two great-grandchildren, Quincey and Thomas.


Experience + Credentials
Became President & Editor of the Sword of the Lord in April, 1995
Preacher at various national conferences for many years
International tour host, Europe & Middle East
Conducts Sword of the Lord Conferences, Bible conferences and revival meetings in 60-70 cities annually
Pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Westminster, Maryland (1978 – 1995). The church grew under his leadership from 175 in attendance to an average of 1,650 per Sunday with approximately 3,500 members. Hundreds were saved and baptized each year.
Bachelor of Arts, History and Secondary Education (Union University: 1966)
Master of Theology, Systematic Theology (Luther Rice University, 1972, summa cum laude)
Doctor of Ministry, Practical Theology, (Luther Rice University, 1976, summa cum laude)
Doctor of Theology, (Midwestern Baptist College & Seminary, 2003, magna cum laude)